
I am Lauren Geisler. Award-winning blogger, former professional photographer and occasional theatre reviewer for London independent newspaper the Camden New Journal. I work with words and the web by day, and by night turn my hand to scriptwriting, the very-occasional bit of stand-up comedy and presenting a fortnightly radio show. I was once listed as #1 Funniest Woman on Twitter by the Huffington Post, before the site declared the ranking system had been added by mistake.

I have a degree in Photography and Digital Imaging from Leeds Metropolitan University, but have also studied History of Cinema, 20th Century Architecture, Modern Visual Culture, Sociology and comedy script writing. I used to write a popular sex & relationships blog, which won a Cosmopolitan Magazine Blog Award in 2012.

I have photographed and written about Holocaust and WWII education, history and research, working with survivors, youth workers, and March of the Living UK. I’ve also edited, produced and published historical walking guides around North West London, and worked with volunteer and community groups to produce studies, surveys and educational events covering everything from tree preservation to local biographical studies.

I really love weaving, London, films, charity shops and Twitter.

All content on this site is (c)L.Geisler and is not to be reproduced without permission.